Noxubee Alumni

Noxubee High Alumni Homecoming 2022
Alumni Homecoming Committee: Freddie L. Poindexter, Tareva Hill, Martha Dora Boyd,
Halillah (Shira) McCloud, Iesha Cotton, & Rod Hickman

Homecoming September 30, 2022

Welcome Noxubee County High School Alumni
Welcome to Noxubee County High School’s Official Alumni Website. Over the years, 
the School has continued to expand its efforts in reconnecting
with alumni from all decades. 
Noxubee High now has over 6,893 alumni living in all four corners of the globe; 
working in every type of profession imaginable. 
This year it is our goal to connect with as many alumni as possible 
to partake in our Homecoming Celebration.

Alumni Association Officers:
Freddie L. Poindexter, President
Teresa Hughes, Vice President
Iesha T. Cotton, Administrative Assistant
Tammie Holmes, Treasurer
Martha Dora Boyd, Public Relations

Dr. Washington Cole, Superintendent of Education
Richard Baliko, Assistant Superintendent of Education
Aiesha Brooks, High School Principal
Karen Dixon, High School Assistant Principal
Holli Jenkins, B.F. Liddell Middle School Principal
Lashanda Mickens, Earl Nash Elementary School Principal
Jennie Harmon, Earl Nash Assistant Principal
#HAILSTATE | Jeffery Simmons | Behind The Line
NHS Student Acheivement Scholarship Committee
Noxubee High School Alumni Association
Mrs. Monica Miller
Dr. Dantwan Smith
Ms. Mable Jamison
NHS Student Achievement Scholarship
The Noxubee High Alumni Association will grant a $500.00
student achievement scholarship to 1 graduating senior of the
Noxubee County High School Class of 2022.
click below for student scholarship qualifications
Alumni Student Achievement Scholarship Recipient
Noxubee County High School Graduate
Samaria Crook 2018 Alumni Scholarship Recipient
Freddie L. Poindexter (Alumni President), 
Iesha Cotton (Alumni Secretary), 
Samaria Crook (Scholarship Recipient),
LaVelle Patterson Rice (Former Alumni Treasurer)
Noxubee County High School
Noxubee High Homecoming Court
2017 Homecoming King & Queen
Rashad Eades & Kenisha Glenn
Front | Left to Right: 
Armoni Clark, Terry Joiner, & Rashad Eades (Homecoming Princes)

Back | Left to Right: 
Kaitlyn Hairston (Sophomore Maid), Nakiya Chandler (Freshman Maid)
Dadriuanna Bester (Senior Maid)

 NOT PICTURED: Tameria Clark, Shamiyah Edwards, 
& Kenisha Glenn (Homecoming Princess)
Shamiyah Foote (Junior Maid)
2021 Basketball Schedule

Mr & Miss Noxubee High Pageant 2021
Mr. & Miss Noxubee High

Mr & Miss Noxubee High 2021

Mr & Miss Noxubee High 2021

Website Designed By:  A Poindexter's Kid (Freddie L. Poindexter) 662-370-9375